Digital Tools in Architecture

Digital Fundamentals Class (B.Sc. Architecture)

The teaching concept of DTC is split into two main classes. The digital fundamentals class introduces the basic concepts of digital technology at the Bachelor at Architecture (B.Sc.) level. This gives students the necessary overview over the spectrum of possibilities with digital design and fabrication technology early in their studies. It can therefore be used and experimented with as a component throughout the entire course of Architecture. Our digital fundamentals class at TUK is structured as an obligatory course, where all students participate. One component of this class is project work, where students first choose a built structure from a list of pre-selected examples. Each of these example projects is exemplary for a particular digital fabrication technology. Researching, analyzing and presenting this chosen example project is the first part of the project work. This is followed by the digital reconstruction, model and prototype fabrication of a part of the project, which demonstrates the students understanding of how technology was used in the chosen example project. Understanding the processes is key of this learning experience, hence an unrolled strip of sheet metal in the example project may be represented by unrolled strips of paper in a model. Finally, the last component of the project work is a design component. Here, the students apply the principle from the previously studied example and modify it for a new project. This may be an application to an entirely different type of structure, or a re-interpretation of a method using new technology.

In addition to the project work, which is introduced in the beginning of the class, along with the assignment of working groups (which depends on the size of the class / number of students), there is a variety of topics, methods and technology discussed in the class. Project work tutorials and discussion are held every third/fourth week, while the other weeks provide 1-2-hour long exercises, demonstrations and lectures. Example files are provided via the OLAT online learning platform, so the students can quickly follow the exercises during the demos, and look deeper into the details at home, if needed.

Bachelor of Science in Architecture / Diploma in Architecture

Digital Tools in Architecture (A-DW-BA4.31-V-1)

Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter

Jun. Prof. Dr. Christopher Robeller, Moritz Brucker
